Breaking the fast

Day 54: Broke the fast today with lots of tomatoes about two hours ago. So far so good, no problems. It was very delicious and very uneventful. 

The idea of breaking a long fast is to eat a fairly large volume of the most delicious tomatoes you can find. I found these incredible organic heirlooms and they went down sweetly. The gastrointestinal tract needs to get moving with solid food that slips through. For the next few days, I will add in one vegetable at a time: cucumber, celery and zucchini, eventually carrots. It will take many days to come off the fast. This is when I need to be the most careful and vigilant. Light moderate eating is much harder than the actual fasting.

These 54 days and 19 hours feel like a dream. The most unusual things, thoughts, and events transpired. I began the fast 3 days before my dear dog, Buddy passed away. His imminent passage was part of the reason I began. I wanted to go on the spiritual voyage of a lifetime without having to travel to India.

Fasts initiate change. I can’t even begin to explain the inner transformation that is moving at light speed. I can barely keep up with changes.

On a gross level, I have lost 45 pounds in 54 days. The weight leveled off about a week ago and that is a good sign. My chronic arthritis is gone. The shoulder joint I was going to replace may NO LONGER NEED TO BE REPLACED ??? What? That might also be in part to homeopathy and other alternative treatments I was trying out.

I feel so much lighter in mind and spirit. Praanaayaama is glorious with my breath going “sub-one," less than one breath per minute sustained for 10 minutes. Meditation is rock steady because there is no disturbance from the body.

My hope is to be mostly raw vegan for a while and keep it close to the earth.

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