The Breath is like a fan.

If you look for them, you will find our bodies may have painful sensations, but there also are very pleasureable sensations of warmth, spaciousness, tender places and things that have no names. Keep looking and you find rivers of pleasant feelings flowing all the time. Focus on the pleasurable sensations. Look for them. They are there. 

You can 'fan' these pleasurable sensations with your breath-attention and they multiply. When we focus on this delight in our body, and fan them with the breath, the mind dissolves. 

Our mind purposely blocks and avoids too many ecstatic sensations. It is for survival. Pleasurable sensations are constantly rolling in our bodies but our mind turns away from the enormity of it all. At some point, the mind is unable to handle it and still function. If we relaxed too much and let these delightful sensations loose, it would leave us as a dysfunctional mystic, utterly unable to do anything in the external world.

Except Facebook posts. You would still be able to do that.
